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Voice Localizer RSA analysis on a subject¶
Load singletrial beta maps of a subject. First half of them correspond to voice stimuli and second half to non-voice stimuli. Then compute brain RDMs in the grey matter and finally compare (permutation test) those RDMs with the Voice/Non-voice model RDM.
/hpc/banco/soft/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/externals/joblib/ DeprecationWarning: sklearn.externals.joblib is deprecated in 0.21 and will be removed in 0.23. Please import this functionality directly from joblib, which can be installed with: pip install joblib. If this warning is raised when loading pickled models, you may need to re-serialize those models with scikit-learn 0.21+.
warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning)
import os.path as op
import nibabel as nb
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nilearn.image import resample_to_img, concat_imgs
from nilearn import plotting
from brainrsa import SearchLightRSA
from brainrsa.plotting import plot_rdm
from brainrsa.utils import check_mask
# ******************************************************************************
# ***** Input parameters *******************************************************
# ******************************************************************************
# Number of betas (to load them and also construct the model RDM)
n_betas = 40
# Will compute brain RDMs only in grey matter
process_mask = "/hpc/banco/cagna.b/projects/ageing/data/preprocessing/" + \
# Directory of the singletrial GLM
beta_dir = "/hpc/banco/cagna.b/projects/ageing/data/analyses/sub-04/glm/" + \
# Where the beta value sare actually available
data_mask = op.join(beta_dir, "mask.nii")
# ******************************************************************************
# ***** Compute brain RDMs in the ROI ******************************************
# ******************************************************************************
# List beta files of the subject
beta_imgs = []
for b in range(n_betas):
beta_imgs.append(op.join(beta_dir, "beta_{:04d}.nii".format(b+1)))
# Then, load all the images and put them in a new one (4D)
beta_imgs = concat_imgs(beta_imgs)
# ******************************************************************************
# ***** Compute brain RDMs in the ROI ******************************************
# ******************************************************************************
# Load the mask and check that it is binary
data_mask = check_mask(data_mask, threshold=0.5)
# Resample procmask to match datamask resolution
process_mask = check_mask(
resample_to_img(process_mask, data_mask),
# Initialise the searchlight and specify where to compute the values and the
# radius of the spege (in milimeters)
rsa = SearchLightRSA(
## Compute beta distance matrix (RDMs) for each voxel of the process_mask using
## voxels included in data_mask
#print("Start to fit brain RDMs")
#rdms =
## Save the image that give RDM index at each voxel
##, indx_map)
## Save RDMs
##, rdms)
## Compute the average RDM
#avg_rdm = np.mean(rdms, axis=0)
## ******************************************************************************
## ***** Compare with Voice/Non-Voice model *************************************
## ******************************************************************************
## Create the model RDM
#mid = int(n_betas/2)
#model = np.zeros((n_betas, n_betas))
#model[:mid, mid:] = 1
#model[mid:, :mid] = 1
## Then, do the comparison with each brain RDMs (permuatation test)
#print('start to compare brain RDMs to model RDM')
#scores_img = rsa.compare_to(model, distance="spearmanr", n_perms=100)
## Compute just the distance with the model
##corr_img = rsa.distance_to(squareform(models[im]), distance, True)
##save_map(corr_img, brain, dist2model_tmpl.replace("[m]", model),
## "Spearman ranked distance to " + model + " model")
## ******************************************************************************
## ***** Figure *****************************************************************
## ******************************************************************************
#fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 10))
## Show the mask
#plotting.plot_roi(process_mask, data_mask, display_mode='x', cut_coords=1,
# axes=axes[0, 0], title="Process mask over data mask")
## The average RDM
#plot_rdm(avg_rdm, "Average RDM", sigtri="lower", ax=axes[0, 1])
## The model
#plot_rdm(model, "Voice/Non-voice model", sigtri="lower", ax=axes[0, 1])
## And the score map
# scores_img, display_mode='x', cut_coords=1, colorbar=True, axes=axes[1, 1],
# title="Comparison to V/NV model")
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 3.534 seconds)